Appearance newborn, and sometimes behavior can surprise. Calms: almost everything is in order. Most of the changes that occur on the skin newborn, according to physiology - the child for nine months were in the warm amniotic fluid and after the birth of his skin has yet to get used to the new conditions. Sometimes seemingly strange symptoms are guilty of hormones we have spent some time circulate in the body of a newborn.
Appearance Newborn: blisters on the lips
Transparent or whitish changes, usually at the center of the lip. It is caused by sucking a finger or hand in the womb have.
What to do? The bubbles disappear themselves do not require any treatment. However, to prevent thumb sucking habit, the child can be assumed to handle a sock or glove, so-called. niedrapkę paw.
Appearance Newborn: neonatal erythema
This red spots, sometimes with pustules, located on the face and trunk newborn (on the feet and hands are not present). Parents often take it as a sign of fungal infection or allergies. They usually appear within 48 hours of birth.
What to do? Erythema does not require treatment or any treatments, nor is it necessary to visit a specialist. This change resolves spontaneously within a few days.
Appearance Newborn: swelling of the eyelid
Slightly swollen eyelids newborn aim to protect the infant eyes from the light, which is still too strong for him. A child who were in almost total darkness, needs time to adjust to the ambient light.
What to do? The swelling subsided same at most within a week of birth. But sometimes there are minor complications - yellow sticky secretion that glues swollen eyelids. You have to wash it gently with a cotton swab soaked in saline movement from the outside toward the corner of the eye. If after a few days of such a discharge washing will not disappear or begin to worsen, you need to consult a pediatrician, it may in fact be a sign of infection.
Appearance Newborn: neonatal acne
The pustules on the face of the infant, which appear several days after birth. Cause hormones have that - circulating in the body of the child - tend to overwork the sebaceous glands, causing changes closely resembling acne.
What to do? You have to wait, because pimples disappear themselves. However, they must not squeeze or anything greased. You have to go to a doctor when skin redness around the pimples, swollen do, acne gets worse or appear after the first month of life.
Appearance newborn: breast swelling
It happens that a newborn chest - and boy and a girl - are slightly swollen, and nipples filtered whitish liquid. It's the fault of hormones we (those responsible for breast growth and lactation), which at the end of pregnancy get into the fetus through the placenta.
What to do? Fluid from the breast, do not squeeze. Just wash it with gauze soaked in warm boiled water. Swelling disappears after week two.
Appearance Newborn: vaginal discharge
It is usually thick, whitish. In some multi-day girls also appears light bleeding similar to menstruation. Both conditions cause the hormones we have.
What to do? White discharge disappears itself and not require treatment. Bleeding usually lasts only one day - if not cease after the first week of life, you must contact your doctor.
Appearance Newborn: sine feet and hands
Bluish discoloration of the skin can occur in such small children when it is their cool. Babies with fair skin may have then even bluish spots all over the body. These changes are due to the free circulation of blood in the skin.
What to do? This is not a symptom of the disease. Persists alone, when the boy a bit older.
Appearance Newborn: cradle cap
It's a greasy yellow scales on the scalp beneath the hair. The most common are for ciemiączku. Cradle cap may appear a few days after birth. The problem is caused by circulating hormones in the body have the little boy.
What to do? Greasy scales need to lubricate olives to soften, then comb with a soft brush and gently, without friction or scrubbing, wash the head. If the scales there is little you can do to fifteen minutes before the bath; if a good deal, head better lubricate olive few hours earlier. When the ailment is strong, instead of olives might want to use the product against ciemieniusze that not only peeled the scales, but also normalizes the sebaceous glands. Do not cradle cap while the scrape. In this way, easy to damage the baby's delicate skin, and when erected on her wounds, easily susceptible to infection.
Appearance Newborn: squinting
Newborns can "escape" eyes. Sometimes - quite often - that each eye moves in their own way, one escapes outside, the other inside. This is due to the fact that the muscles coordinating movements of the eyes are still poor.
What to do? Squinting should pass in the first three months of life. If this does not happen, you will need to consult an ophthalmologist.
Appearance Newborn: yellowish eyeballs and skin
This may be a symptom of physiological jaundice. Bilirubin causes the yellow color obtained from the breakdown of red blood cells. It is usually taken up by the liver and excreted in the stool. Liver newborn, however, is still too immature and not very active intestines - because bilirubin remains in the blood, giving the yellow color of the skin and eyes proteins. Jaundice can occur even in the fifth day of life (ie after discharge from hospital).
What to do? Physiological jaundice passes itself within a few days (usually up to seven days of life) and does not give complications. It should, however, check with your doctor, who will evaluate the intensity of symptoms.
Appearance Newborn: scaly skin
The skin of newborns, especially those born after the deadline, sometimes looks as if descended from a sunburn. Sometimes the changes apply to the entire body, sometimes only parts thereof, eg. Arms and legs. It's a normal reaction - after months spent in the amniotic fluid skin dries very quickly.
What to do? The body of the infant must be oiled twice a day emolientowym olive or lotion, which retain moisture in the skin and do not allow it to dry. Flaking should last no longer than a few weeks. If not resolved, you can visit a specialist, because sometimes dry skin may be associated with allergy.
Appearance Newborn: umbilical cord
The residue from the umbilical cord severed during childbirth. It begins to contract the first day of life of the child, then gradually dries, hardens and blackens. Do not tear off the stump - will fall alone, which usually takes place during the first two weeks.
What to do? The stump must be every 2-3 days, wash with soap and water, not in the bath, but on the changing table - is called. Dry care. If it is dirty, it must be thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis. The most convenient way to use cotton buds or disposable swabs. We raise it slightly upward, clearing the skin in the vicinity. Then thoroughly dry it. You better not soak, but when it happens, you just thoroughly dry. The navel is often the child's well ventilated (constant supply of fresh air prevents infections). Consult your doctor or midwife is needed when the navel redness, begin to smell bad, there will be an exudate. Experts recommend spraying the navel then preparation antiseptic called Octenisept. Not to be used instead of alcohol.
Appearance newborn trembling chin, arms, legs
This symptom can be observed in the newborn when he is cold (because that was demolished). It is one of the symptoms of immature nervous system.
What to do? This tendency time goes by. However, if the tremor is exceptionally strong or increases over time, you must consult your doctor.
Appearance Newborn: sudden flinching, jerky movements
Newborns - taken on your hands or tickled - doing strange movements that are of potential concern. However, they are perfectly normal - it's instinctive reactions to help them through the first few weeks outside the womb. There are more than 70. The most characteristic is the Moro reflex (a reflex called fear, because when something frightened boy - eg. The noise - rapidly breaks down the handle, and then it bends and clamps his hands), reflex creep (placed on his tummy toddler tries to crawl) and walking reflex - the boy raised to a vertical position fumbling feet.
What to do? Reflexes, looking the same - some about two months old, the other even about 5. month. You have to go to the doctor when these reflexes do not occur, or occur when there should be - a specialist will then assess whether everything is in order.
Appearance newborn: birth signs
Almost everyone has them little kitty. They have a different look - from flat pink spots after tumors surrounded by a mesh of blood vessels. 70 percent. hemangiomas occur within the first few weeks of life, approximately 10 percent. cases of babies born with a hemangioma already. Most of them, from a medical point of view does not matter, and in time she disappeared. Hemangiomas always worth showing your doctor, especially if they are large.
Hemangiomas flat. It clusters of small blood vessels that appear on the forehead, bridge of the nose, and the neck (then referred to as "peck stork") or on the upper eyelid (ie. A kiss an angel). They may be of different colors - from jasnołososiowego after żywoczerwony (when the baby cries, the color may become more intense). Most of them gradually disappears and does not require treatment.
Hemangiomas flat in dark wine. Situated usually at the temples and cheeks, and sometimes on other parts of the body. Sometimes can be a symptom of other diseases. Larger hemangiomas this type of laser is closed.
Mongolian spot. Brownish-grayish, can occur throughout the body. The places to which the outer skin layer accumulated too much pigment. Most often they disappear without a trace during the first years of life.
Appearance Newborn: bizarre stools
This is what appears in the diaper - especially in the first week of life - it is a cause for concern. Colored stools do not indicate, however, about the problems.
Greenish-black - it meconium, rendered to the first day of life. Meconium fills the child's bowel during fetal life and is excreted before the digestive system begins to operate.
Brown-green, semi-fluid, sometimes with lint truncated milk, fine granules, mucus, and even traces of blood. Blood in stool is usually the result of irritation or slight cracks delicate rectal mucosa, but just in case, show the diaper doctor to make sure that there is nothing else.
Watery, yellowish-orange, like mustard (sometimes lint milk) - is the stools of a breastfed child.
Bright yellow, light brown or green, smelly - normal bottle-fed baby's stools.
Appearance Newborn: blisters on the lips
Transparent or whitish changes, usually at the center of the lip. It is caused by sucking a finger or hand in the womb have.
What to do? The bubbles disappear themselves do not require any treatment. However, to prevent thumb sucking habit, the child can be assumed to handle a sock or glove, so-called. niedrapkę paw.
Appearance Newborn: neonatal erythema
This red spots, sometimes with pustules, located on the face and trunk newborn (on the feet and hands are not present). Parents often take it as a sign of fungal infection or allergies. They usually appear within 48 hours of birth.
What to do? Erythema does not require treatment or any treatments, nor is it necessary to visit a specialist. This change resolves spontaneously within a few days.
Appearance Newborn: swelling of the eyelid
Slightly swollen eyelids newborn aim to protect the infant eyes from the light, which is still too strong for him. A child who were in almost total darkness, needs time to adjust to the ambient light.
What to do? The swelling subsided same at most within a week of birth. But sometimes there are minor complications - yellow sticky secretion that glues swollen eyelids. You have to wash it gently with a cotton swab soaked in saline movement from the outside toward the corner of the eye. If after a few days of such a discharge washing will not disappear or begin to worsen, you need to consult a pediatrician, it may in fact be a sign of infection.
Appearance Newborn: neonatal acne
The pustules on the face of the infant, which appear several days after birth. Cause hormones have that - circulating in the body of the child - tend to overwork the sebaceous glands, causing changes closely resembling acne.
What to do? You have to wait, because pimples disappear themselves. However, they must not squeeze or anything greased. You have to go to a doctor when skin redness around the pimples, swollen do, acne gets worse or appear after the first month of life.
Appearance newborn: breast swelling
It happens that a newborn chest - and boy and a girl - are slightly swollen, and nipples filtered whitish liquid. It's the fault of hormones we (those responsible for breast growth and lactation), which at the end of pregnancy get into the fetus through the placenta.
What to do? Fluid from the breast, do not squeeze. Just wash it with gauze soaked in warm boiled water. Swelling disappears after week two.
Appearance Newborn: vaginal discharge
It is usually thick, whitish. In some multi-day girls also appears light bleeding similar to menstruation. Both conditions cause the hormones we have.
What to do? White discharge disappears itself and not require treatment. Bleeding usually lasts only one day - if not cease after the first week of life, you must contact your doctor.
Appearance Newborn: sine feet and hands
Bluish discoloration of the skin can occur in such small children when it is their cool. Babies with fair skin may have then even bluish spots all over the body. These changes are due to the free circulation of blood in the skin.
What to do? This is not a symptom of the disease. Persists alone, when the boy a bit older.
Appearance Newborn: cradle cap
It's a greasy yellow scales on the scalp beneath the hair. The most common are for ciemiączku. Cradle cap may appear a few days after birth. The problem is caused by circulating hormones in the body have the little boy.
What to do? Greasy scales need to lubricate olives to soften, then comb with a soft brush and gently, without friction or scrubbing, wash the head. If the scales there is little you can do to fifteen minutes before the bath; if a good deal, head better lubricate olive few hours earlier. When the ailment is strong, instead of olives might want to use the product against ciemieniusze that not only peeled the scales, but also normalizes the sebaceous glands. Do not cradle cap while the scrape. In this way, easy to damage the baby's delicate skin, and when erected on her wounds, easily susceptible to infection.
Appearance Newborn: squinting
Newborns can "escape" eyes. Sometimes - quite often - that each eye moves in their own way, one escapes outside, the other inside. This is due to the fact that the muscles coordinating movements of the eyes are still poor.
What to do? Squinting should pass in the first three months of life. If this does not happen, you will need to consult an ophthalmologist.
Appearance Newborn: yellowish eyeballs and skin
This may be a symptom of physiological jaundice. Bilirubin causes the yellow color obtained from the breakdown of red blood cells. It is usually taken up by the liver and excreted in the stool. Liver newborn, however, is still too immature and not very active intestines - because bilirubin remains in the blood, giving the yellow color of the skin and eyes proteins. Jaundice can occur even in the fifth day of life (ie after discharge from hospital).
What to do? Physiological jaundice passes itself within a few days (usually up to seven days of life) and does not give complications. It should, however, check with your doctor, who will evaluate the intensity of symptoms.
Appearance Newborn: scaly skin
The skin of newborns, especially those born after the deadline, sometimes looks as if descended from a sunburn. Sometimes the changes apply to the entire body, sometimes only parts thereof, eg. Arms and legs. It's a normal reaction - after months spent in the amniotic fluid skin dries very quickly.
What to do? The body of the infant must be oiled twice a day emolientowym olive or lotion, which retain moisture in the skin and do not allow it to dry. Flaking should last no longer than a few weeks. If not resolved, you can visit a specialist, because sometimes dry skin may be associated with allergy.
Appearance Newborn: umbilical cord
The residue from the umbilical cord severed during childbirth. It begins to contract the first day of life of the child, then gradually dries, hardens and blackens. Do not tear off the stump - will fall alone, which usually takes place during the first two weeks.
What to do? The stump must be every 2-3 days, wash with soap and water, not in the bath, but on the changing table - is called. Dry care. If it is dirty, it must be thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis. The most convenient way to use cotton buds or disposable swabs. We raise it slightly upward, clearing the skin in the vicinity. Then thoroughly dry it. You better not soak, but when it happens, you just thoroughly dry. The navel is often the child's well ventilated (constant supply of fresh air prevents infections). Consult your doctor or midwife is needed when the navel redness, begin to smell bad, there will be an exudate. Experts recommend spraying the navel then preparation antiseptic called Octenisept. Not to be used instead of alcohol.
Appearance newborn trembling chin, arms, legs
This symptom can be observed in the newborn when he is cold (because that was demolished). It is one of the symptoms of immature nervous system.
What to do? This tendency time goes by. However, if the tremor is exceptionally strong or increases over time, you must consult your doctor.
Appearance Newborn: sudden flinching, jerky movements
Newborns - taken on your hands or tickled - doing strange movements that are of potential concern. However, they are perfectly normal - it's instinctive reactions to help them through the first few weeks outside the womb. There are more than 70. The most characteristic is the Moro reflex (a reflex called fear, because when something frightened boy - eg. The noise - rapidly breaks down the handle, and then it bends and clamps his hands), reflex creep (placed on his tummy toddler tries to crawl) and walking reflex - the boy raised to a vertical position fumbling feet.
What to do? Reflexes, looking the same - some about two months old, the other even about 5. month. You have to go to the doctor when these reflexes do not occur, or occur when there should be - a specialist will then assess whether everything is in order.
Appearance newborn: birth signs
Almost everyone has them little kitty. They have a different look - from flat pink spots after tumors surrounded by a mesh of blood vessels. 70 percent. hemangiomas occur within the first few weeks of life, approximately 10 percent. cases of babies born with a hemangioma already. Most of them, from a medical point of view does not matter, and in time she disappeared. Hemangiomas always worth showing your doctor, especially if they are large.
Hemangiomas flat. It clusters of small blood vessels that appear on the forehead, bridge of the nose, and the neck (then referred to as "peck stork") or on the upper eyelid (ie. A kiss an angel). They may be of different colors - from jasnołososiowego after żywoczerwony (when the baby cries, the color may become more intense). Most of them gradually disappears and does not require treatment.
Hemangiomas flat in dark wine. Situated usually at the temples and cheeks, and sometimes on other parts of the body. Sometimes can be a symptom of other diseases. Larger hemangiomas this type of laser is closed.
Mongolian spot. Brownish-grayish, can occur throughout the body. The places to which the outer skin layer accumulated too much pigment. Most often they disappear without a trace during the first years of life.
Appearance Newborn: bizarre stools
This is what appears in the diaper - especially in the first week of life - it is a cause for concern. Colored stools do not indicate, however, about the problems.
Greenish-black - it meconium, rendered to the first day of life. Meconium fills the child's bowel during fetal life and is excreted before the digestive system begins to operate.
Brown-green, semi-fluid, sometimes with lint truncated milk, fine granules, mucus, and even traces of blood. Blood in stool is usually the result of irritation or slight cracks delicate rectal mucosa, but just in case, show the diaper doctor to make sure that there is nothing else.
Watery, yellowish-orange, like mustard (sometimes lint milk) - is the stools of a breastfed child.
Bright yellow, light brown or green, smelly - normal bottle-fed baby's stools.
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